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The pushes and shoves we make to your siblings are the essential in your relationship. As a matter of Many of us reading this may or may not have sibling/s of your own, if not than this blog is not for you but unless you really want to waste your own time reading this, then go ahead.

Let me just summarize everything that you'll be reading right now; your sibling are your ride or die's till death do you guys part. Its not a lie though, you may have been in a lot of fights about who hid the remote from whom, or why one was reading the other's Whatsapp messages without permission, but we always break through and that's what really matters. As siblings we all need support for each other as much as we need to support our own. So lets give a toast to our siblings as I give a toast to mine.

Cheers to the OG out of all of us♊ - Yes, my sister describes herself as the OG of all of us (I like to think it means Old Grandma sometimes). She is or proud leader in life as she tells us about what she did in her high-school years and gives us advice from them. She stresses the hell out about us only because she worries about us and what we're doing. She never hesitates to tell you where you are screwing up,(even though she hates it when I do the same to her.) For as long as I can remember, we'd obsess over horror movies as if it were vitamin H. We needed a horror movie to watch badly unless its a black comedy of course. My sister has a damn good sense of humour, better than Kevin Hart, though she is as serious as Harriet Tubman, and slays like Beyonce🙌. My sister is one of the most amazing people that was given to me from God, and I am grateful to have her as my amazing big sister and of course to be her little brother (even though she wins every argument we have even when I'm right.)

And cheers to the chicken between the two bun of our chicken burger♋ - My big bro was my body guard since day one. The family he told me that at one point when I was still baby he told people to wash their hands if they wanted to hold me, (talk about COVID-19 vibes) and if someone touched me and they didn't he'd cry. That's the type of love a seven year old should be giving his baby brother, no question. He is stubborn at times, that's no lie, but he is a very loving character. He likes laughing at everything with us, and he is there to make sure everything is okay. He even sacrificed his hair on his birthday because he messed up my hairline so bad that I had to look like a cancer patient from Grey's Anatomy (and surprising enough his sign is cancer.) He is such a caring spirit and will do anything to make anyone happy, so to all single ladies out there, he is available😏. He is a good soul, and he is a man who will keep his word; he always has your back.

And cheers to me of course; the guy looks like Chadwick Boseman♏- I am the guy who sometimes holds the family in peace before it bursts up, I am the last teenager, who wants people to know that he's there, but at the same time wants them to freaking leave him the hell alone. I love my family very much, and I will do anything to help my family with anything, especially my siblings. I am expected to make the family proud because I am the last child of the bloodline and I will do without fail as long as they believe in me. I am known for holding grudges against everyone I meet, but I only hold them because I don't want to be screwed over by people I'd trust, but I trust my siblings very much and I never hold a grudge over them, I just get very angry. Although I may act very spoiled and entitled, I am truly grateful for all the stuff my family, especially for what my brother and sister provided for me because I am still alive till today. You guys are incredible.

The readers of this blog are probably wondering why I wrote this blog even though I could just write this about my parents. The reason is that an obvious case scenario is that our parents die sooner than we do, and who do we have left? That's why our siblings are the most precious people in our lives, because they will ride for you, and they will die for you and they will always love you, even if you piss the hell out of them. Believe me, I have done that so many times to my siblings and they've threatened to kill me but I'm still writing this blog aren't I?

I always keep my friends close, my family closer, and siblings in the closest space possible, because they are really close to me. So I say cheers... To my Sibling's.

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