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Although he probably didn't like to be referred to as KING, we will always call him what he was, a true King. He was not just the King of Wakanda, he was also a king of the black community. But allow me not to to call him King in this blog, but as Chadwick Boseman, because that is his name and not a title most people give to any celeb of such amazing talent.

The world is in shock of this tragic loss, myself included. Chadwick Boseman wore his name proudly, but with a humble body. He was kind to all that have met and interacted with him and fans that have met him. To all of his fans, especially me, he was our superman; our legend; everything all black boys want to be when they grow up. Although he had no superpowers he touched all of us on and of the screen. The world has been aching horribly from his death because its something unbelievable. Something that shouldn't even happen to someone as kind as Chadwick Boseman.

His family and friends(especially from the marvel universe) have suffered such terrible losses and cannot even fathom what's cutting with that's already going on with COVID-19. Its hard to believe that you lost someone who seemed to be right next to you that easily, as if you dd a terrible job babysitting the child you were supposed to look after. Even though we know that death is common, especially this year its hard to accept that someone as kind, as talented and as generous as Chadwick had an inescapable death sentence.

Chadwick taught our generation and generations after us what to become once we become adults. He taught us not to be how others think you'll end up; not to let the many obstacles that we face in the world distract us from our life missions, whether its acting, singing, writing or being a doctor. He taught us to strive more with what we want to do with our lives. He also taught us to be our own people and not to be a carbon copy of anybody because we don't need to change ourselves. He taught us that if there are people who accept you for who you are right now, then those are people worth hanging out with. Although I said that I said that I would refrain from calling him KING, all those lessons that we learned from him prove that he was an amazing king who did good in his role as king by leading to example (besides scenes in Black Panther where he gives speeches or speaks to the council). He will forever be the true KING of our community. THANK YOU FOR BEING KING!

His positive energy was radiant from his body and passing it on to people in the same room as him or people watching him on Netflix. Most of that energy is nowhere to be found now, and a few too many rooms are getting cold. But it doesn't mean that his didn't died with him. I believe that reincarnation exists in many ways, and his energy will be possessed by someone worthy enough to uphold that beautiful energy. Chadwick Boseman will be missed terribly but his death shall be honoured as a true Fallen Hero. As a man who changed the acting industry for black men and women and fixing it while so doing it humbly.

I now raise my glass to say...

To Chadwick Boseman.

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