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We Are Not Woke! - 2

Earlier on, I saw a post by conscious lee blind reacting to Adam Calhoun on Instagram (adamcalhoun1)speaking ignorantly about race, freedom, oppression and all that jazz. Although I found one thing that Adam said to make sense all the others ones just showed red flags so conscious lee took the win for me. Then I watched a black woman with the TikTok handle @it__is__africanlioness who stitched the video and simply agreed with everything he said.

From this video, alone, I realised that they are both somehow unrealistically ignorant.

Seriously, there is being uneducated and being ignorant and they both decided to really go bold with ignorance. Real quick, there are just some things I will address from Adam's original TikTok, not out of anger though, but because "Education is elevation" - George "theconsciouslee" Lee.

"You're Not African-American, you're just American".

So from my research of how the term originated, it just proved to me that Calhoun thinks that a political thing was "just a race thing". Jesse Jackson, a political activist, Baptist Minister and politician, created the term and made it official in the 80's so that black people in America could still be connected to Africa and the United States, because although they were born in the "Land of the Free" their skin originated in different soil. And I get that completely. (For more info go to

Nowadays, more Africans are migrating to America making them African American by nationality, (which I agree with cuz I'm Zimbabwean) so now a lot of Black Americans find it weird to be called African American. But Calhoun thinks that because his ideals are facts for reasons only God knows, he doesn't consider how he could be wrong. There are other aspects to look at when talking about American identity (Trevor Noah will explain).

"Also, there is no such thing as White Privilege".

Immediately, I knew that he has no idea what White Privilege is. In short, because of your skin colour, you are bound to have some power or "privilege" over black people. Eg. Statistically black woman will die from childbirth rather than a white woman. And Calhoun and African lioness have the audacity to say there is no privilege or bias in the U.S.A.. I went to a fancy-ish boarding school and I've seen what you confidently say doesn't exist, and received the opposite.

I was mostly put off with lioness, because she agreed with him as if she was fed up with all the 'lies' that black people have been spreading. I don't even think she understood what he meant in this video or why he was saying all these things in the video, honestly when I saw this video I was both surprised and baffled by her blind reaction. She left me with no words.

"No ones oppressed, you're just making that bullsh** up".

Again I say, I-WAS-BAFFLED. She agreed that black people are never oppressed. Is she really telling me that she has never been judged by higher power, told that she was less than by a man, or pulled over by the police for missing the red light which was never there? Even if so, she doesn't know anyone who has experienced this? Well then in that case, let me tell you my definition of Oppression which I assembled.

Oppression - prolonged malicious exercise of power of authority against a group with less power.

If you haven't experienced oppression, then don't tell us that its made-up. If you have experienced oppression and you compared with what I face or what others face, don't tell us that it's make-believe. Oppression does not just exist in America. I mean take it from a teenager living in Zimbabwe. And oppression is not just racial; women are always compared to men as inferior, and governments are taking money away from resources that the countries need (education and such), and only for things as petty as wars going down to just being rich.

It's hard to live in a world with people who don't get the bigger picture, because it could be anybody. It could be your friend, your bae, brother, sister, your whole family. And I honestly don't know what to do about that other than address these important issues on this blog.

We need to wake up.

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