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Updated: Aug 17, 2021

Before any questions are asked allow me to answer some of the obvious ones; Yes, this is heavily influenced by "Liv the Truth". Yes, I'm a big fan of the show (obviously from my IG page) and do I have a dream and mission based on this very show likely making it impossible for it to be accomplished? - Possibly. But this show helped me look at my self and help me re-invent myself and keep the parts of me that are good, or at least just okay. It helped my know what my purpose is and it got me to be able to discipline myself.

Similar 'Character Traits'. From being clairvoyant like spencer, to being a secretive Asher, find myself in these characters, both in good and bad reflections. On the plus side, I also have Coops wisdom, Olivia's compassion, Jordan and Patience's ride or die love for their circle, Layla's sensitivity and Kia's passion for change. However I do have Spencer's tendency to hold grudges and Coops stubbornness. Like Layla and Olivia I am broken and complex (but for different reasons) and don't get me started on Asher's dishonesty from the first two seasons and Jordan's self doubts from s1.

All American somehow got me to relate to every teenaged character in the show, which has truly never happened to me before watching any other show on tv. It allowed me to see myself in these characters and how I see myself in both good and bad qualities. it made me question what it is like to be a teenager and if I should follow in the norms of what adults tell their kids when they go or if I should take it as a slow burn from my perspective as a growing individual, while considering that I live in a very different country. I have to stay real after all. it really helped me value myself more as a young person. especially now as an Eighteen-year-old.

Olivia's "Liv the Truth"

I Honestly saw a lot of myself in Liv as we always want to help everyone we love around. But when we do we sometimes forget to find what makes us happy. But we end up realizing that helping others is what makes us happy. She creates a podcast called "Liv the Truth" talking about mass racism all around the world , making her an inspiration to many Black girls trying to make change (All American Liv - The Truth - YouTube) and I talk about how humanity do be taking teenagers through out many generations, especially Gen-Z, for granted. We communicate with society about what we observe and what it needs to know in order to stop the bull-crap and ignorance surfacing about the Black race, teenagers and all-in-all, the Black teenage race.

Yes, ALL AMERICAN Disciplined Me.

All American got me to start working out and put in schedules to help me balance school. This helped me out with school so much, especially in math, because lets face it, Math's and quarantine Should Not Mix. The show kind of got me to aspire to Spencer's level. Though he doesn't actually exist as is just an inspiration to Spencer Paysinger, he is an inspiration to many Black boys of our generation. In short, he's an A+ student and a star Varsity football player, how can you top that.

The Overall Appeal.

All American deals with topics such as racism, mental health, addiction, crime (gang violence), classism, etc. and how it affects teenagers. A lot adults don't know this, but 'adolescence' may or will be affected by some or all of the above, even when its in front of you. And the worst part is the negligence that you unintentionally put on some of your kids makes it even worse. We understand that your lives are a bit difficult, but don't make it as if at their time, life won't be hard on them. And that's why I started this blog All That Cuts, bringing to the audience what's cutting in life.

See you in the next segment. Please like and comment what you think of the post and tell me what I didn't add.

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