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Updated: Aug 17, 2021

I hate it when adults tell us that high school doesn't matter and that we shouldn't worry about a thing at all and I'm thinking were you never in high school before bruv.

It is amazing how they want to tell us to brush off situations and tell us "Hazvina Basa" (that it means it doesn't matter in Shona). They may think that when teenagers talk about anything that's has nothing to do with actual school activity that its all meaningless but its the actual starting point to where this all begins, life. Its not like they haven't worried about most of the same stuff that you did and there is evidence to it too:

-Stories they tell about when they were in high school.

-Our grandparents perspective when our parents were in high school.

- But if it's one thing that we know, some coming of age shows and movies as the years went on educate us as well.

I know, I know, colour me insane about the third point but we cannot lie. At least I can't. Over the past year during COVID-19 I've been at home, and I realized that I learned a lot from home than from school. I don't mean my school syllabi, I mean more about racism, politics, mental health issues, corruption, injustice, etc... more than I was ever taught or a least told at school. I learned it all from social media (surprise, surprise) and from shows that I watch, and I'm still learning.

Shows like All American, movies like Heathers, taught me more than what anyone would have told me, about race situations and child mental health and all in all society and where it starts.

In this blog series I will be telling you what I learned watching these shows and movies and that although we may still be growing up, we are a woke generation. We may still be learning but it doesn't change the fact that we are know a lot of information and we know what to do with it. (We can cancel anyone with the information we have.) Knowledge is power.

Next week, go to the next blog to find out what I learned in some of these shows and movies.

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