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We all need somebody; family, love interest(s), we're human after all. most people, like therapists, also what I like to call (the-rapists), talk about how teenagers are very moody, say stuff like "they are very keen on having privacy," and who can blame us. We are surrounded by people (relatives to be specific) who find its necessary to be together, non-stop, and they mean non-stop. All those times when they ask us to hang out with them after every hour drives us absolutely nuts at times, but to them the time they spent with us is never enough. True, but it doesn't hurt to let a child breathe some fresh, unbothered air, which we ourselves, at least most of us, can never get enough of.

I am going through the same dilemma; my dad always asks me to go fishing with him down the lake near my house every weekend. I love him and all, but the with the amount of attention he is showing me the past month, I've try to fake any illness to get out of it. And what's the result: He just tells me to drink water and to stop being a sucker. The thing with most parents is that if we ask our parents time to ourselves, they think we're being either anti-social or rude, even if we ask them in the most polite manner. Its not that we don't want to hang out with them, we just either want to be with other people, or we literally just want to be occupied with our thoughts.
The world, as we all know, is dealing with a pandemic that has beef with us for some odd reason that only china knows about, so we are kept occupied with our gadgets; phones, laptops, TV's, *(other devices)* you name it, it counts. With our phones or laptops, we go onto Whatsapp to talk to our loved ones out and far, or hit up our IG to check them DM's. The world is going technical. Its dope, but it's the only thing we can actually do until, probably 2032. But if we keep doing this thing where we use the fact that Corona is out as an excuse to using our iPad's, it's ''never enough'', in other words, its addictive. We've all heard it before, its been "scientifically proven" that an average human being could get stuck on any thing with screen with ink behind it. Sounds insane to guys reading this and saying "that will never happen", but it could, it actually could put a toll in your life. I'm not saying that our devices are evil (I mean if they were, how would you be reading this?), but keep in mind that addiction is powerful.

Truth be told, during this crisis, we cannot be telling ourselves or anyone else that we want to be by ourselves. I mean, there are times when privacy is what we need, but one thing is certain, the time we spend with the people we love is never enough either. There are people around the world who are not able to see their families now, because they so far away from them and they cannot risk travelling to see them. We sometimes miss the bigger picture with family; we moan about having personal space and keeping things to ourselves that we never realize that time is never enough, it never allows itself to you for personal space or family time. Its just 1 second, and that second is gone.

Never take the ones who are there for you for granted. Always be there for the ones who are there for you. Contact your loved ones every chance you get during this dilemma, yes it will be all over, but we will never actually know when? No, but for now, lets use this time, the present, to be with the ones you love, and when the pandemic is over as well, the future, in order to forget what we don't have to regret, the past.

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