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Every regret bared is painful, I would know, I am a human being. We all as people, whether a teenager or an adult, or robot, have an accidental tendency to make many mistakes that we may deeply wish did not happen, whether it was either a break-up with someone you thought was very special, or not spending enough time with a loved one who passed away "so soon". We are also told to learn from our actions or something that has happened. There is one thing that we are never told to do afterwards; to be happy or proud that it happened.

I know it's strange, 'Who would want to be happy that their mother died?' It's a new concept that no one has ever thought would exist, which is what I like to see as a SLOW BURN - An action or event that a persons takes or chooses life, which often gives a negative outcome or a positive result (but its usually negative). It's inevitable that whatever action we take has a consequence, an outcome, or a reaction, but that does not mean that they are necessarily moments to regret; there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Did you know that in Tennessee, United States of America, that when the sun goes down, that in Beijing, China, the sun rises and the people there go to work? I know you think that this piece of information is incredibly irrelevant and pointless, but keep reading if you are. The world keeps turning, time keeps moving, and actions and moments pass by, it's normal. No one should be moping about common mistakes, people time and time again mention that mistakes are what make us better, and for those who think that's just a lot of bull, you should actually re-think that. This might just be me going mad, correct me if that's the case, but I'm actually grateful for all the downfalls and screw-up's that I have made which have passed by, really I am. Those are my Slow Burns, I have acknowledged the impacts they've had on me, sure their some where I may have been grounded for two months, but with all of them, there was always a learning curve; a lesson to always take to practice, and I always take one to practice.
Cheer's to all who did what they did their own way, even though you blame yourselves. The fact that you guys are able to do what others cannot says something; taking action from your own initiative while other's find it safe to just "follow order's" to protect themselves. You guy's are whom I look up to as actual leaders, people with a real and aspiring goal for excellence, I mean, I even heard that an old friend of mine, Panashe Makaza, even made his own song, and I cannot wait to listen to that track. You guys are always giving me strength to challenge myself and reminding me that if you just do anything your way, it'll be fine and that there is no pressure, even if it means all is is burnt down the whole night, because it's a SLOW BURN.
Acknowledgement of your actions is the only way to get by, that's a known fact, but we never actually consider that our mistakes or failures have been one of our biggest help in our lives; shaping them as we let the the world turn. The problem with us not being grateful for them is that we always strive to be better that how we actually are, try to make the world better than it already is, even though the result is that that change is impossible. Sure you can improve these conditions, but you cannot make them perfect, which is what drives us mad, even though we all know these things. We need to realize that we are only human, even though we have been human for a long minute, we still be actin' clueless.
Every SLOW BURN counts. Spend as much time with family as you can or with someone whom you are very close to, make every action you make count, especially at this time with COVID-19, let every moment that passes by be worth it, and be bold to take the lead in your own plan or any plan. This is the CUTTER, and that's WHAT'S CUTTING!
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